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A Community Choir based in Petworth, West Sussex
“Thank you so much for a great choir session - it really cheers you up to sing doesn't it!”
About Petworth Voices
We are an acapella community choir with approximately 45 - 50 members. We welcome new members throughout the year, there are no auditions, just come and give it a go!
We sing a wide range of repertoire in up to 6 parts.
Choir Details
We meet on Tuesdays, during term time, at Duncton Village Hall, GU28 OJY, from 5.30pm to 6.45pm.
Session dates this term can be found by using the Dates & Events button above.
Please contact
Emily Barden at
for any additional information.
The village of Duncton is on the A285 from Chichester to Petworth.
On entering the village from Petworth take the first left (minor road) signposted to the Village Hall. Follow this road uphill and round to the right. The Village Hall on the left of this minor road not on the A285 as indicated on the map.
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